Car Accident Lawyer in Grand Rapids

Car accidents happen every day. 虽然有些可能是挡泥板弯曲,只涉及小额保险索赔修理车辆, others are far more serious.

Car Accident and Injury Attorneys in Grand Rapids

When you have been involved in an auto collision in Michigan, you may need a vehicle accident attorney. In such a situation, 重要的是,你所寻求的任何指导都来自于对密歇根州复杂的汽车事故法律知识渊博的合格法律专业人士. The attorneys at Keilen Law, PLC have the knowledge, 经验和声誉,以确保您的权利得到保护,并最大限度地恢复您的财务.

How Do I Know If I Need A Car Accident Attorney?

In 2018, Michigan reported 312,798 automobile accidents. Of those, there were 974 fatalities and 75,838 injuries. If the accident involved physical, mental or emotional injury, or death, 客户端建议您聘请法律顾问,以便您了解法律规定的赔偿金额,并确保您的合法权利得到维护和保护.

Some examples of compensation you may be entitled to are:

  • 医疗费用(急诊室就诊、住院、核磁共振、手术、专家就诊、治疗等.)
  • Lost earnings and benefits
  • 辅助护理(照顾医疗需要和日常生活活动的家庭援助)
  • 替代服务(协助完成日常家务服务和杂务)
  • 医疗里程(往返医疗的里程/交通费)
  • Home modifications
  • Vehicle modifications
  • Medical equipment
  • Pain and suffering

What is the First Thing I Should Do If I’m in an Accident?

当你卷入一场车祸时,你会立刻感受到车祸的震惊. If you are lucky, there are no injuries, and you’ll quickly adjust and take down names, contact information, and insurance information. 如果碰撞更严重,可能很难记住首先要做什么. 这里有一些建议,以备你在事故中使用.

1. Check for Injuries / Seek medical treatment

First and foremost, stay calm. Look around you and note if you, your passengers, or anyone else involved in the accident appears to be injured. If so, call 911. 在事故发生后尽快接受专业医疗人员的评估是很重要的. Even if there are no apparent injuries, you will want to call 911 if you see smoke, fire, fuel leaks, downed power lines, overturned vehicles, 或者其他可能使每个人都有进一步受伤风险的安全隐患.

2. Cooperate with Law Enforcement

Based on where the accident happens, the local police, sheriff’s department, or state troopers may respond. 当执法人员到达现场时,耐心等待他们接近你. 您的身份证件、车辆登记和保险证明可用吗. Explain what happened to the best of your ability.

3. Gather Evidence

至少要记录下涉案车辆的品牌、型号、年份和车牌号码. Take a picture of the other drivers’ insurance cards. It should include the driver’s name, address, and VIN. 如果可能的话,拍张照片或者把驾照号码也写下来. 在安全的情况下,拍摄事故现场和涉及车辆的照片.

4. Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company

一旦你有能力,打电话给你的保险公司并报告事故. 当您同意支付保险费用时,您就同意遵守合作条款. 这意味着你必须立即向你的保险公司报告任何事故, even if there was no apparent injury or damage. If you do not report an accident and an injury is discovered later, your insurance company may not cover your claim, or they could even choose to cancel your coverage.

5. Understand the Michigan No-Fault Insurance Law

密歇根州和其他几个州都有无过错保险法. 这对你来说意味着你的汽车保险公司需要支付你的医疗费用, 损失工资和其他与事故有关的费用,无论谁可能在碰撞中有过错. To receive those benefits, 你必须先向你的保险公司申请无过错赔偿. 你的汽车保险公司不会赔偿你在事故中遭受的痛苦. Instead, under certain scenarios, 有过错的司机/保险公司必须赔偿你的痛苦和痛苦. Such a claim is separate and distinct from your no-fault claim. 密歇根州的无过错和有过错的交通事故法律至少可以说是复杂和令人困惑的. 聘请一位经验丰富的车辆碰撞律师为您提供有关所有索赔的建议,以及您可能从中获得的赔偿,这符合您的最佳利益.

Should I Make a Statement to an Insurance Adjuster or Sign a Release?

Not without hiring an attorney first. 当你与理算员交谈或允许理算员查看密歇根州车祸造成的损害时,你应该总是有一名律师在场. 当与你自己的汽车保险公司和其他人的汽车保险公司就任何有关事故或你受伤的细节进行互动时,这是正确的. 保险公司的工作是尽量减少他们支付的索赔金额, 所以让你尽快签署免责协议对他们有利. Without legal counsel, 如果你签署了一份免责声明或做了一份可以用来扣留保险收益的声明,你可能会无意中阻止赔偿损失.

Can Keilen Law Help Me If I Don’t Live in Grand Rapids?

With offices in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Keilen Law 无论你住在这个州的哪个地方,车祸律师都可以满足你的需要. 客户端的律师团队可以帮助确保您因车祸而受到的伤害或损失得到公平和及时的赔偿. 客户端是一家以客户为中心的公司,致力于客户的最大利益. 当您需要帮助与车辆事故索赔,龙8国际app今天在大急流城办公室在 (269) 382-4818 or online for a consultation.

Both Adam & Keilen Law的Ross对我和我的小企业来说是一个了不起的资源. 他们反应迅速,专业,总是把我的最大利益放在心上. The most important thing for me was trust, 我将继续使用他们的服务,因为他们赢得了我的信任.

— Jack Aylsworth